Simple Electronics Wiki

Revision as of 18:07, 22 October 2024 by Rob Kam (talk | contribs) (→‎Components)
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An electronics learning lab, each component is connected to springs, so circuits can be wired without soldering.

Anyone can edit Simple Electronics Wiki. It's a wiki that aims to be a succinct and easily understood introduction to practical entry-level electronics, as well as being a useful reference. The intended audience for this wiki is the amateur experimenter. In fact the best way to learn about electronics is by doing practical experiments.

See something that needs fixing? Go ahead and edit it, but keep it simple.

List of topics

Ladybird childrens book, 1979. Learning electronics by simple breadboard experiments.

Although each is self contained, the top level articles listed here are written to be read sequentially, each topic leading to better understanding of ones that follow. External links in the articles offer more detailed or advanced explanations of the topic.

Units and symbols

Basic concepts

Technical documentation


Make book, 2009. Hands-on electronics by simple experiments.

Circuit theory

Analog circuits

Make book, 2014. Continuing the hands-on electronics with less simple experiments.

Digital electronics

Workshop practice

Simple projects
