Backing up the wiki

Revision as of 13:07, 23 June 2024 by Rob Kam (talk | contribs)


You can easily generate a database dump and file dump using Save the Web Project's WikiTeam3 Python script, (full instructions are at that link).

 Windows is unsupported. Use WSL to run WikiTeam3 on Windows.

e.g. wikiteam3dumpgenerator --xml --images --bypass-cdn-image-compression --force

To dump a private wiki you will have to use a login that has at least read permission on the wiki.

e.g. wikiteam3dumpgenerator --xml --images --bypass-cdn-image-compression --force --user USER --pass PASSWORD

  • --xml exports an XML dump using Special:Export
  • --images generates an image dump
  • --bypass-cdn-image-compression doesn't drop any images compressed by a content delivery network
  • --force generates a dump even if there is one already at Internet Archive

If you encounter any problem with running the script, please raise a new issue at the Save the Web Project's WikiTeam3 GitHub repository.

Restoring from backup

See, specifically Manual:Importing XML dumps and Manual:importImages.php.

External links